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  • 24-17 The Buddhist view of the universe. Cosmology
  • 24-1 Theory and philosophy of Buddhism. Nature of Buddhism
  • 24-23 Buddhist Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts
  • 24-24 The Pali Canon (canon of the Theravada school). Tipitaka. The Three Baskets
  • 24-31 Buddha. Gautama Buddha. Adi Buddha
  • 24-36 Saints. Boddhisatvas. Enlightened ones
  • 24-4 Buddhist religious activities. Buddhist religious practice
  • 24-523 Buddhist temples
  • 24-5 Buddhist worship broadly. Buddhist rites and ceremonies
  • 24-72 Persons in Buddhism: samgha, disciples, 'priesthood', upasaka
  • 24-78 Buddhist organizations. Buddhist societies and associations. Monastic orders


  • 24

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