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  • Fuyü Gïrgïs or Fu-Yu Kirgiz, also known as Manchurian Kirghiz, is the easternmost Turkic language. It is spoken in northeastern China's Heilongjiang province, in and around Fuyu County, Qiqihar, which is located approximately 300 km northwest of Harbin. Fuyü Gïrgïs is spoken by a small number of passive speakers, who are classified as Kyrgyz nationality. However, it is not a dialect of Kyrgyz, but of Khakas; the people migrated from Russia in 1761, and the name may be due to the survival of a common tribal name. Girgis is probably a member of the Siberian Turkic languages and related to the Khakas language.

Entry terms

  • Fuyü Gïrgïs dialect

ISO 639-3 code

  • kjh


  • kjh

In other languages

  • Gïrgïs de Fu-Yü



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