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Concept information

Preferred term

ayrCentral Aymara  


  • Language


  • Central Aymara (ISO 639-3: ayr) is a branch of the Aymara language spoken by more than 2,227,642 across Southern South America, including 1,785,000 in Bolivians in the high plane altiplano region west of the eastern Andes and more recently some in the Yungas and lowland regions due to internal migration. In Perú, 441,743 speak it in the Lake Titicaca area, especially around Pune. Furthermore there are 899 speakers in the far northern mountainous regions of Chile and quite a few speakers in Argentina, these are mostly sugar mill immigrant workers from Bolivia.

Entry terms

  • Aymara, Central

ISO 639-3 code

  • ayr


  • ayr


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