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  • Language


  • Roviana is a member of the North West Solomonic subgroup of Oceanic languages. It is spoken around Roviana and Vonavona lagoons at the north central New Georgia in the Solomon Islands. It has 9870 first-language speakers and further 16,000 mostly over 30 years old speak it as a second language (Raymond 2005).In the past, Roviana was widely used as a trade language and further used as a lingua franca especially for church purposes in the Western Province but now it is being replaced by the Solomon Islands Pijin. Few published studies on Roviana language include: Ray (1926), Waterhouse (1949) and Todd (1978) contain the syntax of Roviana language. Corston-Oliver (1996 & 2002) discuss about the ergativity in Roviana. Todd (2000) and Ross (1988) discuss the clause structure in Roviana.

Entry terms

  • Roviana language

ISO 639-3 code

  • rug


  • rug

In other languages

  • Roviana



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