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  • Language


  • Karelian language (karjala, karjal or kariela) is a Finnic language spoken mainly in the Russian Republic of Karelia. Linguistically Karelian is closely related to the Finnish dialects spoken in eastern Finland and some Finnish linguists even classified Karelian as a dialect of Finnish. Karelian is not to be confused with the Southeastern dialects of Finnish, sometimes referred to as karjalaismurteet (Karelian dialects) in Finland. Finnish and Karelian have common ancestry in the Proto-Karelian language spoken in the coast of Lake Ladoga in the Iron Age and Karelian forms a dialect continuum with the Eastern dialects of Finnish. Earlier some Finnish linguists classified Karelian as a dialect of Finnish, sometimes known in older Finnish literature as Raja-Karjalan murteet (Border Karelian dialects), but today, however, Karelian is seen as a proper language. Besides Karelian and Finnish, the Finnic subgroup also includes Estonian and other minority languages spoken around the Baltic Sea.

Entry terms

  • Karelian language

ISO 639-2 Bibliographical code

  • krl

ISO 639-2 Terminological code

  • krl

ISO 639-3 code

  • krl


  • krl

In other languages

  • Carélien


  • carélien
  • Karelisch


  • Karelische Sprache
  • careliano


  • Lingua careliana
  • Portuguese

  • idioma carélio
  • carelio


  • Idioma carelio


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